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Poor quality patient information impacts at all levels and is the most common reason for the misunderstanding of

Clinical Trials information.

Luto produces information for Clinical Trials that participants can understand – our research shows that better informed participants make better treatment decisions.

These participants are also more likely to demonstrate improved adherence to participation in Clinical Trials.

Participant Information Sheets (PIS) and Informed Consent Forms (ICF)

Luto can produce, redesign, refine and align PIS and ICF for clinical trials by bringing together our experience in patient information, the best principles of information design and applying User Testing methodology.


The result: a PIS or ICF that is enhanced in both content and format where the key information is understood by the reader.

We can produce a full report that explains our methodology and the results of the applied User Test.


We can also work with you on your clinical trial lay summaries.


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