Our hands-on Usability Testing service for Instructions for Use (IFU) is designed specifically for each IFU we test.
Usability Testing as applied to Instructions for Use (IFUs) uses a hybrid methodology of User and Usability Testing techniques.
It is an iterative process which can be used as formative testing where participants highlight problems with the IFU, or indeed with the device itself. As refinement during the round of testing occurs, these issues are resolved in order to achieve the agreed objectives. Usability Testing can also be used as part of the summative validation of the device.
Whilst there are common areas of methodology, we listen and discuss with clients the best way of achieving their goals and we design the study accordingly, with the support of our academic advisors. Full protocols are prepared and agreed with clients prior to testing. All testing is conducted under our ISO 9001 Quality System and is fully audited. Testing is video recorded and can be made available to clients. A comprehensive report of the findings and results is prepared.
We offer flexible environments at our facilities in the United Kingdom, France and USA that can meet your specific testing requirements.
We also have access to high quality testing facilities around the world. All testing is undertaken by our own trained and skilled interviewers, who work closely with our project managers and clients to understand the requirements.
Participant recruitment
Luto has an extensive database of participants, including patients and healthcare professionals. We manage all participant recruitment, so you can be assured that the participants for your study match your demographic requirements.
Expert patients and lay patient representatives
Our expert patients are a core part of our work. We call them expert patients because they use devices and understand what they require from IFUs. We can also involve lay patient representatives who work with patients and information all the time and are able to help ensure the user’s needs are represented.
Let's work together

+44 (0) 113 518 6111

Bradford Chambers Business Park, New Lane, Laisterdyke, Bradford BD4 8BX